Wednesday 30 January 2008

SHINING V - Halmstad

Title: V - Halmstad
Year of Release: 2007
Label: Osmose Productions
Format: CD

Tis a strange one this Shining release. I own their third album, and while I remember liking it, I can't say I've played it obsessively. I was keen to hear this one and while I find it appealing, there is something that is kinda lacking.

It feels a lot like old Mayhem at the start of the album... and not simply because Atilla is present as guest vocalist. The melodies, the progression etc all screams Mayhem: just without the caustic sound.

Overall it's a little cleaner sounding than I would normally like, though when guitars drop in and out, the drama that this creates is definitely noteworthy and the seemingly simplistic arrangements definitely benefit from this approach.

I feel generally divided by this release. I can't ever seem to determine whether I like it or feel ambivalent about it. I think some of the melodic/acoustic sections make it all feel a little safe and uninspired, though I question my motivations for thinking that and wonder if it's simply a case where I think a band such as Shining, with their legacy, should in fact sound melodic at all.

Though the production is good, I think it works to the albums detriment. It's too clean to be overly atmospheric... especially where the BM style is concerned.

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