Saturday 8 March 2008

DARKTHRONE The Dull Years Part 3

Title: PlagueWielder
Year of Release: 2001
Label: Moonfog
Format: LP

There is a certain poetry about Fenriz’s lyrics that seems to have faded as have the years, though there is still a qualitative amount of that finesse on offer here on ‘PlagueWielder’.

Still, it’s a relatively uninspired work. It meanders for the most part… picking up a little here and there, but it never seems to stand for anything and I at least, am not left feeling much of that angst, that conviction. I don’t understand the band’s MO for this release.

It’s another long winded offering too. Six tracks that seem to go on and on and on. I have poise to wonder if the needle is stuck sometimes, but left with the cold realization that it too is going through the motions. I actually feel empathy for the turntable. Well, maybe that’s a little harsh…

I have followed with interest over the years the various motivations and procedural undertakings of some of these releases, and by this time, many of them blur together. What I do recall is some sort of irreverence for rehearsal and planning. I usually think bands offer these sorts of insights in a matter of fact sort of manner; comments not really aligned to any specific event or theory… yet it seems to me that if the albums released sound as though they are the result of undisciplined organization, I can’t help but feeling distaste for that, and in turn, those dismissive ‘we’ve done it all before so no need to do it again’ attitudes really taint the overall offering.

I understand more and more why I have given myself such limited exposure to these releases, but am enthusiastic that there will be another Darkthrone LP ‘Dark Thrones and Black Flags’ in 2008 plus a 3CD demo box set.

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